Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lisa sent me a quirks tag. This will not be nearly as funny, or weird as her's:
Un: I don't eat mayonase! I don't let my husband eat it, I don't keep ot in the house, and my kids have no idea what it is. I think it's NASTY!

deux: Similar to Lisa (with the holiday thing) I LOVE Christmas! My siblings and I would spend forever "talking about Christmas" when we were little. Basically you take turns saying what you want for Christmas. Lame, I know. But I have to admit, Christmas has gotten so much better with the addition of kids!

trois: This is odd... I love to draw floor plans of our future house... I do them to extreme detail. Then I color them, and show it to Ben. Then later I randomly quiz him on it to make sure he was paying attention.

quatre: I cannot eat and watch a movie at the same time. Something like candy is fine. But I get grossed out by everything! Even some of the characters, and lose my appetite. I always make Ben pause it until I'm done.

cinq: I am very picky meat eater, and sometimes vegetarian. I don't eat things like steak or roast, but the meat that I do eat I have to cut it into very small pieces and examine it. Especially chicken.

six: I rarely to never have naked toenails. I think they look weird. Don't get me wrong, They get to the point where the paint is about all chipped off. But never fully nude.

I tag: Tara, Mom, Danica, & Holly D.


Lisa and Mark said...

BAHAHAHA! I must comment on every single one.

1. I don't know if I ever knew that about you with mayo, but I hate it, too!

2. Christmas is better with kids? Man, I kind of like having all the attention...

3. NO LIE -- I asked Mark on Saturday if he wanted to get some graph paper and draw our future house!

4. That's weird.

5. I am exactly the same. No veins or fat, please.

6. Same.

Tolman Family said...

Yay, my first tag! You are so quirky - I love it!

Brenda said...

hee hee hee. I noticed that you did not mention that you put up your CHRISTMAS TREE today!!!! I can't believe you tagged me, I don't even know if I want to think about my "quirks", much less list them for others to peruse! Love you bunches!

Holly said...

Brooke you crack me up!! I thought you might out grow the meat thing... should I mention Subway? (it was subway, right?) Your kids are so dang cute... whats the date for #3? When you guys gonna some visit?